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  • 追根究底什么意思:zhuī gēn jiū dǐ 【解释】追究根底。一般指追问一件事的原由。【示例】学习上~的精神,是非常可贵的。【拼音码】zgjd【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、状语;含褒义【英文】get to the root of the matter
  • 追根究底的英语:go into the whys and wherefores of it; get to the bottom of it all; get to the bottom of the affair; get to the bottom of sth.; have the why and the wherefore; inquire deep into ...; inquire into the root [cause] of the matter; make a thorough investigation into ...; probe to the bottom of ..
  • 追根究底的日语:しんそうをついきゅうする真 相 を追 究  する
  • 追根究底的韩语:【성어】 꼬치꼬치 캐묻다. 근원을 끝까지 밝히다[캐다]. 진상을 추구하다. =[寻根问底] [寻根究底] [究根问底] [拔树寻根] [盘根究底] [刨根儿问底儿] [追根刨底] [追根问底]
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