- 拂袖而去什么意思:fú xiù ér qù 【解释】形容生了气,一甩袖子就走了。【出处】南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·方正》:“王子敬数岁时,尝看诸门生樗蒲,见有胜负,因曰:‘南风不竞。’……子敬瞋目曰:‘远惭荀奉倩,近愧刘真长。’遂指袖而去。”【示例】我是愿意人对我反抗,不合则~。(鲁迅《两地书·一三五》)【拼音码】fxeq【用法】偏正式;作谓语;用于书面语【英文】go off in a huff
- 拂袖而去的英语:turn on one's heel; fling from...; fling out of ...; giving a sweeping jerk with (his) sleeves, (he) left.; go out abruptly; he was gone with a flick of his sleeves.; leave hastily in ill-temper [displeasure; anger]; leave with a flick of one's sleeve -- go off in a huff; shake the dust off [from] one's feet; storm out of the room; with a flap of his wide sleeve, he left the place -- take one's leave abruptly in a petulant mood
- 拂袖而去的俄语:pinyin:fúxiùérqùудалиться, взмахнув рукавом (обр. в знач.: уйти, хлопнув дверью; удалиться в раздражении)