- 出口成章什么意思:chū kǒu chéng zhāng 【解释】说出话来就成文章。形容文思敏捷,口才好。【出处】《诗·小雅·都人士》:“彼都人士,狐裘黄黄,其容不改,出言成章。”【示例】人皆言子建~,臣未深信。主上可召入,以才试之。(明·罗贯中《三国演义》第七十九回)【拼音码】ckcz【灯谜面】孔夫子讲演;讲演团的团长吝;白话文;广交会上签合同【用法】连动式;作谓语、状语;与“下笔成文”连用【英文】words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master
- 出口成章的英语:(形容文思敏捷) words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master; have chapter and verse at one's tongue's tip; make a polished impromptu speech; say [speak; use] book language in ordinary talk; say easily without thinking hard; talk beautifully; talk with adroit phrases; toss off smart remarks
- 出口成章的日语:〈成〉言うことがそのまま文章になる.文才が優れている形容.
- 出口成章的韩语:【성어】 말하는 것이 그대로 문장이 되다;재사(才思)가 민첩(敏捷)하고, 꺼내는 말이 풍아(風雅)하다. =[出言成章]
- 出口成章的俄语:гладко говорить, говорить как по написанному