- 信守什么意思:xìnshǒu忠诚地遵守:~诺言。
- 信守的英语:abide by; honour; stand by 短语和例子信守协议 abide by an agreement; stand by an agreement; 信守和平共处五项原则 faithfully [scrupulously] abide by the five principles of peaceful coexistance; adhere faithfully to the five principles; 信守经济合同 fully honour economic contracts; fully abide by economic contracts
- 信守的法语:动tenir;observer~诺言tenir sa promesse
- 信守的日语:忠実に守る.信守诺言 nuòyán /承諾した言葉を実行する.
- 信守的韩语:[동사] 충실히 준수하다. 성실히 지키다.信守诺言;약속한 말을 충실히 지키다信守不渝;성실하게 변함 없이 지켜 나가다
- 信守的俄语:[xìnshǒu] твёрдо придерживаться [соблюдать]; быть верным (напр., клятве)