- stamp英语什么意思:n.1.戳子,图章,戳记,印记。2.邮票,印花(税)。3.〔常用 sing.〕标记;特征;记号,痕迹。4.压型器;压断器;杵子;捣击机。5.跺脚,踏脚;【摔角】把势。6.性质,特征;类型;种类。7.〔美俚〕钞票。短语和例子Every article bears the stamp of the maker. 每一种货品上都有制造者标记。 stick a stamp (on a letter) 贴邮票。 men of that stamp 那种(类型的)人。 bear the stamp of ... 带有…的特征。 Your stamp of impatience won't give me a scare. 你那不耐烦的跺脚吓不了我。 put to stamp (交)付印(刷)。vt.1.在…上,盖戳,在…上打图章;印刷,压印。2.在…上贴邮票[印花等]。3.跺,踏(脚);踏碎;跺碎;捣碎。4.铭记(心中);使不朽。5.标出,表示。6.压断;压滚。vi.1.捣碎。2.踩踏,踏脚,跺脚;【摔角】摆把势。短语和例子stamp a document with the address and date 给文件盖上地址和日戳。 stamp one's name on the page of history 留名青史。 stamp one's feet 跺脚,踏脚。 stamp the grass flat 踏平草地。 stamp upstairs 当当当地上楼梯。 This alone stamps him (as) a swindler. 这一件事就表明他是一个骗子。 be stamped with the brand of ... 打上…的烙印。 stamp about the room 踏着脚在屋里走来走去。 stamp down=stamp to the ground 蹂躏,践踏。 stamp on 拒绝。 stamp out 踏灭(火);根绝,扑灭(暴动等)。 stamp with rage 发怒跺脚。