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用"dholavira"造句"dholavira"怎么读"dholavira" in a sentence


  • 朵辣薇拉


  • Well over 400 indus symbols have been found on seals or ceramic pots and over a dozen other materials , including a ' signboard ' that apparently once hung over the gate of the inner citadel of the indus city of dholavira
    400个印度象征符号已经浮现在所发现的图案或陶制的壶上,还有超过一打的其他资料上,包括一个‘招牌’ ,显然是曾经挂在印度城市朵拉维那的内在根据地上。
  • Typical indus inscriptions are no more than four or five characters in length , most of which ( aside from the dholavira ' signboard ' ) are exquisitely tiny ; the longest on a single surface , which is less than 1 inch ( 2 . 54 cm ) square , is 17 signs long ; the longest on any object ( found on three different faces of a mass - produced object ) carries only 26 symbols
    典型的印度文题字长度不超过四五个文字,它们中的大多数(除了朵拉维那的‘招牌’ )是精巧地微小;单一表面上最长的并不超过1平方英寸( 2 . 54厘米) ,是17个符号的长度;任何物件(发现在大量生产的物件的三个不同脸孔上)最多只能容纳26个符号。
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