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鼓鼓囊囊的 thick
鼓鼓囊囊的书包 a bulging bagⅣ watch
a small handdrum with beads ...
a drum used in the army in a...
鼙鼓 a small drum used in the arm...
鼠伤寒 mouse typhus
鼠伤寒沙门氏菌 salmonella typhimurium
鼠口不出象牙 No ivory will come of a rat'...
鼠咬 damaged by rats
鼠咬热 rat-bite fever
鼠害成灾 be infested with rats
鼠害蔓延 be infested with rats
鼠曲草 affine cudweed
鼠标器 Genius mouse
鼠海豚 porpoise
鼠疫 pestis
鼠疫正在这一地区流行 A pestilence was raging in t...
鼠目寸光 The eyes of a rat can see on...
鼠窃狗盗 small burglar of the type of...
鼠窜 scamper off like a rat
鼠窜狼奔 run hither and thither like ...
鼠窜而逃 flee like rats -- abscond
鼠笼式 squirrel-cage
鼠笼式电动机 cage motor
鼠肚鸡肠 suffer affronts without rese...
鼠蚤会把疾病传染给人 Rat-fleas communicate a dise...
鼠蹊 groin
鼠蹊盾 inguinal
鼠辈 mean creatures
鼠道式排水沟 mole drain
鼠首两端 like a rat looking both ways
鼠首偾事 as timid as a rat which peep...
鼢鼠 sokhor
鼥见 "鼧鼥"
鼧鼥 an ancient name for marmot
鼩鼱 shrew
yellow wease
flying squirrel marmot
鼬仲 You Zhong
鼬獾 ferretbadger
鼯伯阳 Wu Boyang
鼯鼠 flying squirrel
鼱见 "鼩鼱"
鼷鼠 house mouse
鼹鼠 mole
鼹鼠丘 molehill
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