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鼓皮 drum head
鼓盆之戚 be bereaved of one's wife
鼓盆而歌 sing beating on a basin
鼓着嘴 pout one's lips
鼓破乱人捶 Everybody hits a man who is ...
鼓翅 clap the wings
鼓翼 winnow the wings the wing of...
鼓胀 meteorism
鼓胀处 bag
鼓腹而歌 sing while the stomach is as...
鼓腹而游 play while patting the belly
鼓膜 drumhead
鼓膜炎 myringitis
鼓膜镜 myringoscope
鼓舌如簧 talk glibly
鼓舌摇唇 spread rumors
鼓舞 inspire
鼓舞人心 inspiring
鼓舞人心的消息 heartening news
鼓舞人心的讲话 an inspiring speech guide
鼓舞作用 influence
鼓舞士气 enhance troop morale
鼓舞斗志 inspire the fighting spirit
鼓舞群众的斗志 arouse the fighting will of ...
鼓藻 Cosmarium
鼓角齐鸣 beat the drums and blare the...
鼓起 call up
鼓起勇气 nerve oneself
鼓起精神 stir up one's spirit
鼓足勇气 muster one's courage
鼓足干劲 go all out
鼓轮 drum
鼓震 Gu Zhen
鼓音 tympanitic note
鼓风 work a bellows
鼓风冷却 blast cooling
鼓风化铁炉 blast cupola furnace
鼓风口 blast nozzle
鼓风喷嘴 air-blast nozzle
鼓风室 blast chamber
鼓风容积 blast volume
鼓风机 blowing machine
鼓风机械 blowing engine
鼓风清选机 air-blast cleaner
鼓风炉 blast furnace
鼓风电动机 blower motor
鼓风盖 blast cap
鼓风盖垫密片 blast cap gasket
鼓风管 blast pipe
鼓鼓囊囊 bulging
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