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a leather case for bow and a...
鞭击法 fustigation
鞭器 vibetoite
鞭子 strap
鞭子甩得劈啪响 crack a whip
鞭子的末梢 the tip of a whip
鞭打 whip
鞭打快牛 whip the fast and hard worki...
鞭打损伤 whiplash
鞭挞 scourging
鞭挞天下 flog the world by a whip -- ...
鞭挞棍打 beat up with sticks and whip...
鞭梢 whiplash
鞭毛 flagellum
鞭毛虫 flagellate
鞭毛虫病 flagellosis
鞭炮 firecrackers
鞭炮劈里啪啦地响 The firecrackers were crackl...
鞭痕 welt
鞭笞 flog
鞭笞天下 flog the world
鞭笞狂 flagellation
鞭策 spur on
鞭策落后 spur those that are backward
鞭节 flagellum
鞭虫 whipworm
鞭虫病 trichuriasis
鞭辟入里 demolish with penetrating cr...
鞭长莫及 be beyond one's grasp
鞭马 whip a horse
a surname
鞮皓 Di Hao
a saddle cloth
鞲鞴 piston
saddle and bridle a horse
big leather belt small bag
韆见 "瞅鞭"
韦伯 weber
韦尔芬阶 Werfenian stage
韦带布衣 a virtuous,learned and reput...
韦应物 Wei Yingwu
韦编三绝 study diligently
pliable but strong
韧化 malleableize
韧带 anadesma
韧带膜 peridesmium
韧带膜炎 peridesmitis
韧度 tenacity
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