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血压表 sphygmomanometers
血压计 sphygmomanometer
血友病 bleeder disease
血吸虫 blood fluke
血吸虫病 bilharziasis
血型 blood group
血型分类 typing of blood
血型检定 typing of blood
血型系统 ABO blood group system
血如泉涌 Blood gushes forth in founta...
血小板 blood cells
血尿 hematuresis
血崩 flooding
血常规 routine blood test
血常规化验 ordinary blood test
血常规检查 blood routine examination
血库 blood bank
血彩 special effects symbolizing ...
血循环 blood circulation
血战 bloody battle
血战到底 fight to the last drop of on...
血斑 blood cake
血星 blood star
血本 principal
血染河山 Blood dyed the mountains and...
血染钢刀 a blood stained knife
血染黄沙 drench the desert sand with ...
血栓 thrombus
血栓形成 thrombopoiesis
血案 murder
血案如山 with a long list of bloody c...
血气 animal spirits
血气之勇 brute courage
血气所使 slave to animal nature coura...
血气方刚 full of sap
血气方刚的青年 youths of hot blood
血气未定 physical vigours of young pe...
血气郁滞 stagnation of blood and qi
血汗 blood and sweat
血汗制度 sweating system
血汗所得 be earned by the sweat and b...
血汗钱 moneyearned by hard toil
血污 blood stains
血沉 erythrocyte sedimentation ra...
血沉检查 blood sedimentation
血沉试验 sedimentation test
血泊 pool of blood
血泪 tears of blood
血泪仇 vengeful feelings nurtured b...
血泪央求 pray to sb. with tears of bl...
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