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望风而降 Everyone surrendered at the ...
朝三暮四 change one's mind frequently
朝不保夕 hang by a thread
朝不虑夕 In the morning one doesn't k...
朝不谋夕 be unable to plan out one's ...
朝东北航行 sail northeastwards northeas...
朝中有人好做官 One may be recommended and p...
朝乾夕惕 be respectfully attentive in...
朝代 dynasty
朝令夕改 issue an order in the mornin...
朝南竖直日规 vertical south dial
朝南走 go southward
朝卫 Chao Wei
朝发夕至 set off in the morning and a...
朝圣 pilgrimage
朝圣团 a pilgrimage mission
朝夕 morning and evening
朝夕不安 can find no peace or rest da...
朝夕不暇 occupied all day long
朝夕梦想 dream day and night
朝夕相处 be together morning and nigh...
朝夕难保 be in imminent danger of dea...
朝奉 the rich
朝山 make a pilgrimage to a templ...
朝山觐圣 go on a pilgrimage to worshi...
朝山进香 go on a pilgrimage
朝巴夜望 strain one's eyes in waiting...
朝廷 royal or imperial court roya...
朝思暮想 yearn day and night
朝思暮盼 long for... day and night
朝打暮骂 be beaten by day and misused...
朝拜 pay respects to
朝拜圣地 worship at the shrine
朝政 affairs of state
朝敌人开火 fire at the enemy
朝日 the morning sun
朝旭 the rising sun
朝晖 morning sunlight
朝暾 the early morning sun
朝服 court dress
朝朝暮暮 every morning and evening
朝村暮郭 stay in the village at dawn ...
朝来暮往 One comes in the morning and...
朝气 youthful spirit
朝气勃勃 vigorous
朝气蓬勃 full of youthful spirit
朝气蓬勃的新社会 a vital new society
朝气蓬勃的青年 spirited young people
朝生暮死 be born in the morning and d...
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