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有辱祖宗 besmirch the fair fame of on...
有辱门楣 a disgrace to the house
有过之无不及 go even farther than
有过失 at fault
有这种想法的人不是个别的 Those who hold such views ar...
有进无退 burn one's bridges
有远见 far-sighted
有远见的人 a man of foresight
有远见的决策 a far-seeing decision
有违初衷 go back on one's original in...
有迹象表明 There are indications that.....
有迹象表明这一数字在微微上涨 There are signs that this nu...
有退无进 Only retreat,never advance.
有选择权 have one's choice
有造化 be born under a lucky star
有道德 with moral integrity
有酬劳动 paid labour
有重兵把守 be heavily guarded
有钱 rich
有钱人 a rich man
有钱人家 wealthy family
有钱便花 Money burns a hole in one's ...
有钱出钱 Let those with money contrib...
有钱有势 both rich and influential a ...
有钱有地位的绅士 a gentleman of wealth and po...
有钱能使鬼推磨 If you have money,you can ma...
有错则改 Once a mistake is made,shoul...
有错必纠 mistakes must be corrected w...
有长者风 have the ways of a venerable...
有门儿 There's a chance.
有门路 have a way out
有门道 have the knack of doing sth.
有问题要及时解决 Problems,if any,should be so...
有间谍嫌疑 be suspected of being a spy
有闻必录 put in a record all that is ...
有限 limited
有限主权论 theory of limited sovereignt...
有限公司 limited company
有限合伙人 limited partner
有限寿命 finite lifetime
有限的数目 a limited number
有限级数 finite progression
有限股利公司 limited dividend corporation
有限自主权 bounded discretion
有限花序 definite inflorescence
有限订单 limited order
有限责任 limited liability
有限责任公司 limited liability company
有限进口 limit entry
有隙可乘 there is a crack to squeeze ...
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