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实现平衡预算 achieve a balanced budget
实现愿望 realize one's expectations
实现战略重点转移 shift the strategic emphasis
实现改革 bring about a reform
实现某人的志向 realize one's ambition
实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental tu...
实现社会风气的根本好转 bring about a fundamental tu...
实现祖国统一 reunify the motherland
实现语言 implementation language
实现霸占全球的野心 achieve a global ambition
实用 practical
实用主义 pragmatism
实用主义教育 pragmatistic education
实用主义教育学 pragmatistic pedagogy
实用主义法学 pragmatic jurisprudence
实用主义者 pragmatist
实用制 practical system
实用织物 utility cloth
实用语言学 practical linguistics
实用载荷 service load
实症 a case of a physically stron...
实繁有徒 Many people are involved.
实线 active line
实职 actual official post that in...
实至名归 When one makes a real achiev...
实行 put into practice
实行一元化的领导 exercise unified leadership
实行专政 exercise dictatorship over
实行全面的政治领导 exercise political leadershi...
实行八小时工作制 institute an eight-hour day
实行军管 exercise military control
实行制裁 apply sanctions
实行宵禁 impose a curfew
实行工资和物价冻结 institute a wage and price f...
实行教育改革 carry out reforms in educati...
实行社会监督 exercise social supervision
实行禁运 lay embargo on
实行约言 redeem one's pledge
实行集体领导 exercise collective leadersh...
实行集体领导和个人分工负责制相结合的制度 function on the principle of...
实证主义 positivism
实词 notional word
实话 truth
实话实说 speak frankly
实质 substance
实质上 in substance
实质内容 flesh and blood
实质审查 examination as to substance
实质条款 substantive provision
实足 full
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