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他让我把这个消息转告你 He told me to pass the messa...
他让我搭他的车 He offered me a lift.
他让老板给撸了一顿 He is rebuked by his boss.
他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子 He introduced his speech wit...
他讲的全是实话 He tells the perfect truth.
他讲的句句是理 There is truth in every word...
他讲的多少有点道理 There's something in what he...
他讲的真是千古奇闻 What he said is really an un...
他讲话前后不符 What he said was self-contra...
他讲话的基调是团结 The keynote of his speech wa...
他讲课讲得很好 He teaches his classes well.
他讲这寓言故事是有用意的 He had some motive in tellin...
他许下要给大报酬的诺言 He made promises of a large ...
他许不来了 Perhaps he isn't coming.
他许过我一张票 He promised me a ticket.
他设法从码头上收票人身边溜过去 He tried to slip past the ti...
他试图从头脑中抹掉这个想法 He tried to erase the idea f...
他话到嘴边又咽了回去 He was on the point of sayin...
他详尽地叙述了自己的苦处 He recited his own suffering...
他详细地查问了这事 He inquired closely about it...
他详细谈了他在奥运会上的经历 He detailed his experiences ...
他说不出个所以然来 He could not explain why it ...
他说什么 What did he say?
他说他在找寻真理 He said he was searching aft...
他说他情愿留在家里 He said he would rather stay...
他说他要请我们饮酒 He offered to stand us a dri...
他说啥 What did he say?
他说的全是骗人话 There was not a shred of tru...
他说的和做的不对号 His deeds don't match his wo...
他说的明白确切 He spoke with clearness and ...
他说的比唱的还好听 His glib talk sounds as swee...
他说的真是头头是道 Every word he said hit the n...
他说的笑话很下流 The jokes he told were quite...
他说的话太艮 He put it too sharply.
他说的话很合理 What he says is very reasona...
他说的颇有道理 There is a lot of sense in w...
他说着就站起来走出去了 With this he got up and went...
他说英语和法语同样流利 He speaks English and French...
他说话做事总是慢条斯理的 He always speaks slowly and ...
他说话南腔北调 He speaks with a mixture of ...
他说话口音很重 He speaks in his broad accen...
他说话太罗嗦 He is always long-winded.
他说话夹杂着南方口音 He speaks with a slight sout...
他说话带有很重的乡音 He speaks in his broad accen...
他说话很冲 He speaks bluntly.这小伙子干活真冲. ...
他说话总带刺儿 There's always a sting in hi...
他说话总是爱挑字眼儿 He always finds fault with t...
他说话挺斯文的 He's a soft-spoken person.
他说话时怒目瞪着我们 He glared fiercely at us as ...
他说话有准头 You can depend on what he sa...
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