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百合病 lily disease
百合科 Liliaceae
百合花 lily
百合花色 tiger lily
百合花饰 fleuron
百合草 lilyturf
百听不厌 worth hearing a hundred time...
百周年纪念 centenary
百喙莫辩 A hundred mouths cannot expl...
百姓 common people
百姓父老 the elders of the people
百子 the ancient philosophers
百孔千疮 riddled with a thousand woun...
百官 officials of all ranks and d...
百家 various families the various...
百家争鸣 contention of a hundred scho...
百家姓 the Book of Family Names
百寿图 scroll consisting of hundred...
百尺高楼平地起 High buildings rise from the...
百川归海 All rivers flow to the sea.
百川所汇 where a hundred streams conv...
百川灌河 All streams flow into the Hu...
百年 a hundred years
百年不遇 not occur even in a hundred ...
百年不遇的旱灾 the biggest drought in a cen...
百年偕老 live together to be a hundre...
百年大计 a fundamental task crucial f...
百年战争 the Hundred Year's War
百年树人 It takes a hundred years to ...
百废俱兴 All neglected tasks are bein...
百废待举 have a hundred things to do
百弊 all the ill effects
百弊丛生 All kinds of corruptions cre...
百忙中 while fully engaged
百忙之中 in the midst of pressing aff...
百思不解 remain puzzled after ponderi...
百思不解其意 remain puzzled after ponderi...
百感丛集 all sorts of feelings wellin...
百感交集 have mixed feelings
百慕大 Bermuda
百慕大人 Bermudan
百慕大协定 Burmuda Agreement
百慕大高压 Bermuda high
百战不殆 you can fight a hundred batt...
百战百胜 fight a hundred battles,win ...
百把人 about a hundred persons
百折不回 pushing forward despite repe...
百折不挠 never yield in spite of reve...
百政 Bo Zheng
百无一失 absolutely sure,no possibili...
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