百年偕老 live together to be a hundre... |
百年大计 a fundamental task crucial f... |
百年战争 the Hundred Year's War |
百年树人 It takes a hundred years to ... |
百废俱兴 All neglected tasks are bein... |
百废待举 have a hundred things to do |
百弊 all the ill effects |
百弊丛生 All kinds of corruptions cre... |
百忙中 while fully engaged |
百忙之中 in the midst of pressing aff... |
百思不解 remain puzzled after ponderi... |
百思不解其意 remain puzzled after ponderi... |
百感丛集 all sorts of feelings wellin... |
百感交集 have mixed feelings |
百慕大 Bermuda |
百慕大人 Bermudan |
百慕大协定 Burmuda Agreement |
百慕大高压 Bermuda high |
百战不殆 you can fight a hundred batt... |
百战百胜 fight a hundred battles,win ... |
百把人 about a hundred persons |
百折不回 pushing forward despite repe... |
百折不挠 never yield in spite of reve... |
百政 Bo Zheng |
百无一失 absolutely sure,no possibili... |