臭不可当 give off an unbearable stink |
臭吃臭喝 drink like a fish and eat li... |
臭名 notorious reputation |
臭名不如无名 There's more knows Tom Fool ... |
臭名昭著 notorious reputation |
臭名远扬 One's reputation was a bywor... |
臭味 stink |
臭味控制器 odor controller |
臭味相投 like drawn to like |
臭弹 a blind shell |
臭揍一顿 give a severe beating |
臭架子 high and mighty airs |
臭梧桐 Clerodendron trichotomum |
臭梧桐叶 Folium Clerodendri |
臭椿 Ailanthus altissima |
臭气 bad smell |
臭气冲天 stinking smell assaulting on... |
臭气油 oiticica oil |
臭气治理 odor treatment |
臭气源 odor source |
臭气熏天 reek to high heaven |
臭气物质 odorous substance |
臭气触鼻 A strong scent irritates the... |
臭氧 ozone |
臭水坑 cesspool |