The use of a thickening agent admixture reduces the problem of pressure segregation . 使用一种混浊外加剂,能减少压力问题。
The admixture of two or more different units gives rise to linear copolymers . 由两种或多种不同单体的混合物能得到线型共聚合物。
Admixtures should be avoided, particularly those that are added on site . 应当尽量避免使用掺和料,特别是避免使用须在施工现场掺加的掺合剂。
These are deliberately made impure by the admixture of a small amount of a different element . 通常采取加入少量其它元素的方法以有意使它不纯。
The surface active nature of admixtures has caused some concern as to its effect on this property . 外加剂的表面活性作用的特性就引起它对馀变的影响。
The upper limit on f quoted above already excludes such an admixture due to electromagnetic interactions . 上面引用的F的上限已经排除了由电磁相互作用引起的这种混合。
Wherever possible, admixtures should be avoided, particularly those that are added on site . 在可能的情况下,应当尽量避免使用掺加料,特别是避免使用须在施工现场掺加的掺合剂。
He placed his whole ambition in those speculations in whose beauty and subtlety there in no admixture of the common needs for life . 他一心追求那美妙的、不夹杂俗世需求的学问。
Smokeless powder refers to colloided nitrocellulose either alone or in admixture with nitroglycerin or other material . 无烟药是指单独的胶质硝化棉或与硝化甘油和其它物质形成的混合物。
As a rough guide it can be generally stated that for each 1p spent on an admixture then approximately 4-5p worth of cement can be saved . 作一个粗略的估计,一般说耗用每一磅外加剂,能节省约4-5磅水泥的价值。
the act of mixing together; "paste made by a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio" 同义词:mix, commixture, mixture, intermixture, mixing,
an additional ingredient that is added by mixing with the base; "the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure"; "a large intermixture of sand" 同义词:intermixture,
the state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something 同义词:alloy,
admixtureとは意味:admixture n. 混和(物). 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆Her manner, for the most part grave, permitted the occasional admixture of good-natured laughter. 彼女の態度はだいたいはまじめだったが, ときどき人のよさそうな笑いを織りまぜていた. 【前置詞+】 ◆A delicate color and...