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用"admixing"造句"admixing"怎么读"admixing" in a sentence


  • 混合的


  • Experimental on predewatering process of crude oil by back - admixing bottom water
  • Drug - admixed food method
  • 3 admix the product according to the stated dosage and strictly control the water ratio
  • The admixing technology aging mechanism and the influence of rubber powder on the performance of asphalt were studied
  • A rim of normal parathyroid tissue admixed with adipose tissue cells is seen compressed to the right and lower edge of the adenoma
  • This marrow is taken from the posterior iliac crest in a middle aged person , so it is about 50 % cellular , with steatocytes admixed with the marrow elements
    这是从一中年人的后髂嵴中取出来的骨髓,故约50 %是细胞,并和骨髓成分混在一起。
  • At the same time , the problem from the concrete cracking is effectively solved through the measures such as enhancing the quality of the excavated surface , adjusting the admixing ratio of fly - ash in the concrete , and lowering the temperature rise of the hydration heat
  • The transferabilities of disinfectant outgrowths . the transformations admixed with chloroamine disinfectant water and chlorizating disinfectant water in conveying tubes have been particular analyzed . mostly work and conclusions as follows : ( 一 ) using simulative test and crosswise test , changing some parameters such as the sequence and proportion of chloroamine affiliated
    C )采用氯胺消毒方式时,预加氯成为总三卤甲烷、卤乙酸生成量的决定因素,取消预加氯将大幅度减少氯消毒副产物的生成,而对于滤后水消毒剂量(主要为一氯胺)的控制影响不大。
  • The result of experiment shows that und er the conditions of proper ai r - entraining , concrete with 20 % fly ash has excellent frost - resistance . the frost - resistance of concrete with 55 % fly - ash which is admixed with united expansive agent ( uea ) has been improved greatly . the frost - resistance of sulfate aluminate cement concrete with high volume of fly - ash is dramatically lower than that of silicate cement concrete with the same volume of fly - ash
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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