挣扎 struggle 进行垂死的挣扎 put up a last-ditch struggle; 他挣扎着要逃脱。 he struggled to get free
拼命 1.(把性命豁出去; 舍命) risk one's life; defy death; put up a desperate fight; do sth. desperately 拼命抵抗 risk the life in resistance; 拼命精神 death-defying spirit; 拼命挣扎 wage a desperate struggle; 他拼命救出了三个孩子。 he saved three children alive at risk of his life.2.(尽最大的力量; 极度地) exerting the utmost strength; for all one is worth; with all one's might; desperately 拼命奔跑 run for all one is worth; 拼命工作 work with all one's might; 拼命努力 make a desperate effort; 他们拼命抓住那绳子。 they hauled in the rope with might and main. 政客们拼命争夺那席位。 the seat is being hotly contested among politicians. 为了孩子们有饭吃, 他拼命找工作。 he was desperate for work to provide food for his children
濒死挣扎 agony; death struggle; deathstruggle; psychorrhagia
垂死挣扎 give dying kicks; be in the throes of one's deathbed struggle; conduct desperate struggles; deathbed struggle; desperate fling; flounder desperately before dying; last thrusts; put up [wage] a desperate [last-gasp; last-ditch] struggle; put up a last-ditch fight; make a last desperate stand; sprawl one's last; struggle desperately; wage a deathbed struggle, be in one's death throes; wage a last-ditch struggle (to avert defeat) 即使是奄奄一息, 敌人也还是要作垂死挣扎的。 even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle