人格理论 theories of personality; theory of personality
Macquarie andnewbridge go away empty - handed , at least for now 麦格理和新桥两手空空地打道回府了,至少目前如此。
Macquarie ' s continued success depends upon the maintenance of its reputation for honesty and integrity and its ability to fulfill its promises 麦格理的持续成功依赖于他对自己诚实正直的名誉和实现承诺的能力的维护。
At the end of the voyage australia ' s macquarie university will award successful students credits that can count towards a full degree elsewhere 在旅程的终点,澳大利亚麦格理大学将奖励那些优秀学生,给他们在别处可作为申请完全学位的学历。
This post - graduate program , offered in partnership with macquarie university , is specifically designed to broaden the knowledge of degree graduates , focusing on the global commercial business world 硕士课程由麦格理大学提供,其重点是全球商业贸易,旨在使已获得学士学位的学生拓宽知识。
Jim lennon , a commodities analyst with macquarie equities in london , said china was simply trying to do what japan has done in a number of resource sectors for many years 麦格理证券( macquarieequities )驻伦敦的大宗商品分析师吉姆?列农( jimlennon )表示,中国只是努力在做日本在许多资源领域已经做了很多年的事。