These skin particles are groups of epithelial cells . 这些碎屑为皮膜细胞的集合体。
Society was not a collection of atomized individuals . 社会不是一盘散沙的个人的集合体。
The strength of the assemblage is bond-strength limited . 纤维集合体的强力受粘合强力的限制。
The strength of the assemblage is bondstrength limited . (纤维)集合体的强力受粘合强力的限制。
A nebula is really a discrete mass of innumerous stars . 一团星云实际上是无数星体不连续的集合体。
There was no team, only a collection of independent players . 根本就没有团队,只有一个各司其职的集合体。
A particle is an ensemble of many molecules contained in a small volume . 一个质点是包含一个小体积中的许多分子的集合体。
This writing will deal only with the welting of single fiber elements and not fiber assemblies . 这章论述内容只限于单纤维,而不涉及纤维集合体。
The great bulk of the ribosomes of the plant cell are often detected as large aggregates of so-called polysomes . 植物细胞的大量的核糖核蛋白体往往以多核糖核蛋白的大块集合体的形式被检测出来。
Research of the compressibility of fiber fill assembly 絮类填料纤维集合体压缩性能的研究