From the stable came the snuffle and stamp of a feeding horse . 马棚里传来一匹正在进食的马的鼻声和蹄声。
The village was cut off by floods and helicopters had to bring in food . 这个村子被洪水隔离了,只好用直升机运进食物。
Insulin is secreted by special cells in the pancreas when a person eats . 胰岛素是在人进食时胰腺的一种特殊细胞分泌的。
By taking a careful food history it is often possible to decide which food was implicated in the poisoning . 通过仔细询问进食史,往往可确定引起中毒的食物。
Total regurgitation of swallowed material without any nausea whatsoever suggests esophageal obstruction . 将所进食物全部反出而不伴任何恶心,即说明有食管梗阻。
An accurate determination of the dietary intake of the patient is most important in evaluating the nutritional status . 正确确定病人的进食情况,对估计营养状态最为重要。
Epidemiological studies have suggested an association of carotene intake and resistance to certain types of human cancers . 流行病学的研究表明胡萝卜素进食量与抵抗人某些类型的癌症有关。
Now as zach and army watched, they were moving forward, wary as mice, to the opening through which the food would come . 现在当查克和老总留心看着的时候,他们小心翼翼地像老鼠似的,向前面那个送进食物的开口走去。