You will not further imagine it to be insurmountable . 你进而不会觉得那简直是无法解决的。
He continued to write, but he also drank and settled further into despair . 他继续写作,但也喝酒,进而陷入更深的绝望之中。
This reinforced the investing public's doubts and caused a snowballing effect . 这又会加剧投资公众的疑惑,进而导致滚雪球式的后果。
There has been a further shift toward the development of integrated systems of pest control . 研究方向进而转向发展虫害的综合防治体系。
From these he can go on to appreciate more complex forms or combinations of several forms . 从这些东西他可以进而鉴赏更为复杂的形体,或者几个形体的组合体。
Progressively, larger objects substantially increase the timescale for collapse over still longer wavelengths . 进而言之,较大的天体,因要在更长的波长上坍缩,将大大增长时间尺度。
With the optimism of his youth, richards himself went on to attempt a solid grounding of literary evaluation in the science of psychology . 接着以年轻人的乐观精神,理查兹自己进而力图在心理学上建立文学评论的坚实基础。
They frightened him into selling the house 他们惊吓到他进而使他把房子卖了。
Heavy rainfall , and thus flooding , has increased 强降雨进而产生的洪水一直在增加。