- 1.(身体近旁) at [by] one's side
坐在某人身边 sit by [at] sb.'s side; 孩子站在母亲身边。 the child stood by the side of his mother.2.(随身; 身上) (have sth.) on one; with one 短语和例子
身边没带钱 have no money on one; 他很用功, 身边总是带着本书。 he is so diligent that he never goes anywhere without a book
- 你身边 forever with you; ryu-z; the nearness of you
- 我身边 here with me; run to me
- 在身边 about; at one's elbow
- 爱的身边 come back to love
- 爱就在身边 right next to the right one
- 爱在你身边 right next to the right one
- 把…带在身边 bring sth/sb with sb
- 常在你身边 i'll be there
- 常在我身边 my side
- 车身边板 aufbauseitenwand f
- 带回我身边 lead you back to me when you’re
- 当你在身边 when you were around
- 当人然身边 when you were around
- 当身边有你 something when we touch
- 到你身边 come at you are; i'll be there
- 恶魔在身边 devil beside you
- 飞到你身边 djrainmanmix
- 回到你身边 crawling back to you; home to you; running back to u; running back to you
- 回到我身边 back for good; come back to me; comin'back to me; coming back to me; distance calls; return to me
- 回来我身边 instrumenmtal
- 回你身边 back by your side
- 机身边条 chine
- 就在你身边 next to you
- 就在身边 kyun ho gaya na; kyun_ho_gaya_naa_
- 身边的公文 kumon
- 身宝 human treasure
- He was never long absent from my side .
他从未长时间离开过我的身边。 - He cocked his gun and laid it beside him .
他扳上枪机,把它放在身边。 - Gatsby's butler was standing beside me .
盖茨比的管家仁立在我的身边。 - The children are all hanging about her .
孩子们已经都聚在她身边了。 - He has two good apprentices working with him .
他身边有两个好徒弟。 - He hurried past me without stopping .
他匆忙从我身边走过,没有停。 - Trina sank at his side very gracefully .
屈丽娜雍容华贵的在他身边跪下。 - He would no longer dart about her .
他不再在她身边来回奔忙,指手划脚了。 - Belinda sat beside her, looking guilty .
贝琳达坐在她身边,感到有点心虚。 - The mole came and crouched beside him .
- 身边的法语:副 1.près de soi他~有两 名 助手.il a deux assistants qui travaillent avec lui. 2.sur soi;sous la main~没带钱n'avoir pas d'argent sur soi.
- 身边的日语:(1)身辺.身の回り. 身边没人照料/身の回りの世話をする人がいない. 照相时我站在他身边/写真を撮るとき私は彼のそばに立った. (2)(=身上 shēnshang (2))手元.懐.身(に携帯している). 出门的时候身边总是要带本书/出かけるときはいつも本を1冊持っていく. 身边没带钱/金を持ち合わせていない.
- 身边的韩语:[명사] (1)신변. 他在首长身边工作, 进步很快; 그는 장관의 신변에서 일하고 있으므로, 진보가 빠르다 (2)몸. 他很用功, 身边总是带着为本; 그는 매우 열심히 공부하여, 몸에 늘 책을 가지고 있다 身边没带钱; 몸에 돈을 지니지 않다 =[身上(1)]
- 身边的俄语:[shēnbiān] 1) около себя; рядом 2) при себе
- 身边什么意思:shēnbiān ①身体的近旁:年老多病的人~需要有人照料。 ②指身:我~没有带钱,你给我先垫一下。