

  • rate of discount



  • 例句与用法
  • Actually , as a result of beautiful couplet store lower discount interest rate 0 . 5 percent , this crisis goes already basically
    实际上,由于美联储降低贴现利率0 . 5个百分点,这场危机已经基本过去。
  • The fed also cut its discount rate for direct loans to banks by half a point , to five and one - quarter percent , to increase their lending ability
  • All bills , stamps , discount interest ( if any ) and all bank charges and commisions and all bank charges for any description whatsoeer shall be for the suppliers account
    所有的单据、签章费用、贴现利率(如有) 、银行费用和佣金以及由于不符单据而产生的银行费用应由供应商承担。
  • All bills , stamps , discount interest ( if any ) and all bank charges and commisions and all bank charges for any description whatsoever shall be for the suppliers account
    所有的单据、签章费用、贴现利率(如有) 、银行费用和佣金以及由于不符单据而产生的银行费用应由供应商承担。
  • The price paid upfront is the present value of all the future cash - flows of coupons and principal on matu - rity , discounted at the appropriate interest rate , which is also known as the yield to maturity ( ytm ) of the bond
    这笔钱就是投资者将来会收到的利息和到期时会取回的本金的现值,而所用的贴现利率就叫做“到期利率” 。
  • So , the " divisible by 9 " rule - now very much an interesting " trademark " of the pboc since it applies the rule to other policy rates , including the central bank lending rate , the rediscount rate and the rates on required and excess reserves continues to be a tradition of the financial system of the mainland
  • The cash flow discount method is the most basic pricing principal among the varied financial asset pricing measures , and the main ideas of this method is that : firstly , the cash flow of the financial asset should be estimated , and the proper discount rate should be chosen ; secondly , the assessed cash flow is discounted with the chosen interest rate , and the results are added together to get the theoretical price of the financial asset
  • 推荐英语阅读
贴现利率的英文翻译,贴现利率英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译贴现利率,贴现利率的英文意思,貼現利率的英文贴现利率 meaning in English貼現利率的英文贴现利率怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
