行不通 won't do; won't work; get nowhere; impractical 这个计划行不通。 this plan won't work. 这事永远行不通。 this will never do. 他提出的办法是行不通的。 his suggestion is not workable. 照这样下去是行不通的。 if we go on like this, we'll get nowhere
不由自主 can't help; beyond one's control; in spite of oneself; involuntarily; unable to control oneself 不由自主地流下了眼泪 couldn't help shedding tears; couldn't hold back one's tears
不由自主的 done out of natural feelings or causes without planning or arrangement
身不由己 involuntarily; do sth. not of one's own free will; have no command over onself; helpless; incapable of resistance; in spite of oneself; lose control of [over] oneself; unable to contain oneself
心不由主 lose mental control; lose self-control; unable to control the mind
言不由衷 talk insincerely; a left-handed compliment; be insincere in one's words [speech]; not to say what one thinks in one's mind; not to speak honestly; one's heart is far from one's lips.; one's words belie one's mind.; say one thing and mean another; say what one does not mean; speak affectedly; speak without sincerity; speak with tongue in cheek; the words spoken are not from the heart
并行不悖 (同时进行, 不相抵触) run parallel; carry on two things at the same time without confliction [conflict]; not be mutually exclusive; both can be implemented without coming into conflict.; the parallel two don't interfere with each other
On the other hand , zhantai mieming ( whose other name was zi yu ) was rather homely , and at their first meeting confucius did not think he had much talent 澹台灭明(字子羽)则是相貌丑恶,初见孔子时,孔子也不觉他有什麽才干,后来才慢慢发现子羽是个谨守法度,行不由径的侠义君子。
行不由径的韩语:【성어】 길을 가는 데 지름길로 가지 않고 큰 길로 가다; 행동이 올바르다.