- fertilizer apparatus placement
- fertilizer placement apparatus
- 肥料 fertilizer; manure
- 定点 fixed point
- 撒施 spread fertilizer over the f ...
- 装置 installation; device; appara ...
- 肥料撒施 broadcast application; broadcast method
- 肥料撒施机 fertilizer spreader
- 粒状肥料撒施机 granular applicator
- 液体肥料撒施器 liquid manure distributor
- 公用事业设施装置 public utilities installation
- 撒施 [农业] spread fertilizer over the fields; broadcast (fertilizer)
- 设有设施装置的心墙 mechanical core wall
- 定点播种装置 seed placing device; seedplacingdevice
- 数字定点装置 digital set point unit
- 弹簧式坯料定位装置 spring stock gage; spring stock gauge
- 定点施肥附加装置 placement attachment
- 定点 fixed point 定点厂 specially designated factory; appointed manufacturer for producing sth.; 定点掩护 cover at a fixed site (在预定地点进行掩护); 该旅馆是北京旅游局的定点旅馆。 the hotel was appointed a designated hotel by the beijing travel and tourism administration.; 定点标度 set-point scale; 定点表示法 fixed-point notation [representation]; 定点播种装置 seed placing device; 定点波长计 one-point wavemeter; 定点部分 mantissa; 定点导航 pinpoint navigation; 定点法 fixed-point fixed point [method]; 定点放大镜 centrescope; 定点风 [气象学] spot wind; 定点概率向量 fixed probability vector; 定点干扰 spot jamming; 定点供应 direct supply of material at fixed location; state distribution at selected points; 定点观测站 [海洋学] serial station; 定点轨道卫星 prescribed orbit satellite; 定点计算 fixed-point calculation [computation]; 定点计算机 fixed-point computer; 定点记数法 [自动化] fixed-point notation; 定点施肥 spot application; 定点数据传输线 point-to-point data link; 定点数学 fixed-point arithmetic; 定点双字长运算 fixed-point double word-length arithmetic; 定点水准测量 fixed point leveling; 定点通信 fixed service; 定点卫星 stationary satellite; 定点系统 [自动化] fixed-point system; 定点向量 [数学] fixed point vector;定点悬停 [航空] spot hover;定点运算fixed-point calculation [operation; arithmetic]; 定点运算库 fixed-point arithmetic library
- 定点播种装置, 精量播种装置 seed placing device
- 肥料 fertilizer; manure 腐殖酸肥料 humic acid fertilizer; 化学肥料 chemical fertilizer; 抗生素肥料 antibiotic fertilizer; 无机肥料 inorganic fertilizer; 细菌肥料 bacterial fertilizer; 有机肥料 organic fertilizer; 骨粉是最佳肥料之一。 crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers. 粪被用做肥料。 dung is used as manure
- 喷肥和定点施肥装置 fertilizer spray and placement unit
- 氮肥撒施机 nitrogen application; nitrogen applicator
- 化肥撒施机 chemical applicator
- 厩肥撒施机 manure distributor
- 凯撒施图尔 kaiserslautern
- 撒施处理 broadcast treatment
- 撒施距离 broadcasted distribution space