- thermistor sensor for skin surface
- 皮肤 skin; baragnosis; derma; hid ...
- 用 40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...
- 热敏电阻 thermistor; sensistor; crite ...
- 传感器 sensor; sensing element; tra ...
- 液体用热敏电阻传感器 thermistor sensor for fluids
- 热敏电阻传感器 temperature-sensitive resistance probe; thermistor sensor
- 血管及肌肉用热敏电阻传感器 thermistor sensor for blood vessels and muscles
- 直肠及胃部用热敏电阻传感器 thermistor sensor for rectum and stomach
- 口腔内热敏电阻传感器 thermistor sensor for oral cavity
- 压敏电阻传感器 piezoresistive pickup
- 鼻腔留置型热敏电阻传感器 nostril dwelling thermistor se or; nostril dwelling thermistor sensor; nostril mountung thermistor sensor; nostril retaining thermistor se or; nostril retaining thermistor sensor
- 电阻传感器 electric resistance se or; electric resistance sensor; resistance tra ducer; resistance transducer
- 热敏电阻式温度传感器 electromagnetic temperature indicator; thermistor temperature sensor
- 热敏电阻温度传感器 thermistor temperature sensor
- 双电阻传感器 double sensor; doublese or; doublesensor
- 液体电阻传感器 liquid resistance transducer
- 变阻传感器 variable-resistance transducer
- 磁阻传感器 reluctance transmitter
- 热敏电阻 thermistor(therm); sensistor; critesistor; thermal resistor; thermosensitive resistor; critesister
- 热敏电阻器 thermal resistor; thermosensitive resistor; heat-variable resistor; thermistor
- 热敏电阻座 thermistor mount
- 微热敏电阻 microthermistor
- 热敏电阻,热敏电阻温度计 thermistor
- 热敏传感器 heat se itive se or; heat sensitive sensor; heat sensor; heat-sensitive sensor
- 基准热敏电阻 reference thermistor