The cells of an organism are bathed by body fluids(for example, blood, lymph, sap)containing various solutes . 有机体的细胞浸泡在含有各种溶质的体液中(如血液、淋巴液、树浆)。
Induction of neural stem cells from newborn guinea pig by artificial perilymph 人工外淋巴液诱导新生豚鼠海马神经干细胞分化的实验研究
Determination of trace copper , zinc , iron , calcium and magnesium in lymph by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定淋巴液中铜锌铁钙镁
The cells of an organism are bathed by body fluids ( for example , blood , lymph , sap ) containing various solutes 有机体的细胞浸泡在含有各种溶质的体液中(如血液、淋巴液、树浆) 。
Mimics the lymphatic system , delivers and promotes lymphatic flow and move fluid in the correct physiological direction 模仿淋巴系统之运动,促进淋巴系统运作,使淋巴液得以依正确的方向运送。
Lymphedema is the accumulation of lymph in the interstitial spaces , principally in the subcutaneous fat , caused by a defect in the lymphatic system 淋巴水肿淋巴性肿胀是指在间隙积聚淋巴液,主要是在皮下脂肪,成因是淋巴系统发生故障。
This treatment uses a unique massage technique combining digital pressure and lymph drainage to smooth lymph , accelerate lymph circulation , and increase elasticity of the breast skin 采用结合穴位指压及淋巴排毒的独特胸部按摩手法,疏通淋巴液,促进淋巴循环,达到增加弹性及提升效果。
An exfoliating treatment to invigorate and refresh the body . this purifying treatment gently and effectively exfoliates while infusing the skin with pure oils and herbal extracts 此护理利用死海盐与芳香精油有效的结合,帮助身体清除老化角质,从而达到促进血液、淋巴液循环,推动体内废物和毒素的排出,改善肤质,滋养肌肤,令皮肤柔软、光滑富有弹性。
Massage can stimulate the circulation of blood and lymph in skin and muscle which in turn helps to decrease pain , accelerate healing of injured joints and muscles , reduce swelling and bruising , relieve muscle tiredness , and soothe muscle tension and spasm 按摩的主要功用是增加皮肤及肌肉的血液和淋巴液循环,从而达到减低痛楚加速受伤关节或肌肉的痊愈去除瘀肿消除肌肉疲劳纾缓肌肉紧张和抽筋等功效。
People ' s blood vessel and lymphatic gland are served as by certain degree squeezing and are loosened , meeting boost blood and the lymph cycling , make the body arrange poison , and energy activation cell effectively , make the obstinate fat change into fatty acid , reach the towline body effect reducing weight thereby 当人们的血管和淋巴腺受到一定程度的挤压和放松,会促进血液和淋巴液循环,使身体有效地排毒,并能活化细胞,令顽固的脂肪转化为脂肪酸,从而达到减肥纤体作用!