- locate hijacked prison bus
- 查找 seek
- 被劫持 be held as a hostage
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 囚车 prison van; prisoners' van; ...
- 被劫持为人质 be held hostage
- 劫持的游戏 mock abduction jeu du rapt
- 查找被攻击的警察 locate cops under fire
- 查找被偷的电影车 locate stolen movie car
- 查找被偷的救火车 locate stolen fire truck
- 被劫 be robbed; be kidnapped
- 查找被绑票的小明星 locate kidnapped starlet
- 囚车 prison van; prisoners' van; patrol wagon; black maria
- 乘服人员报告联合航空公司,飞机被劫持 ua attempts to contact the cockpit
- 我邻居知道被劫持货船的高度和重量 my neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight
- 劫持 kidnap; hold under duress; hijack; abduction 劫持船只 hijack a ship; 劫持飞机 hijack an airplane; air piracy; 劫持者 hijacker; abductor; skyjacker
- 防空中劫持的机上便衣警察 sky marshal
- 〔美国〕囚车。 patrol wagon
- 黑囚车 the black maria
- 警车, 囚车 patrol wagon
- 押囚车 detainee van
- 查找 [自动化] seek◇查找服务 service-seeking; 查找区域 [计算机] seek area; 查找时间 [自动化] search time; seek time
- 〔美俚〕巡逻车;囚车。 paddy waggon; paddy wagon
- 囚车摄影棚 black maria
- 防劫持 hijacking prevention
- 劫持, 绑架 hijacking