- 染病 catch an illness; be infecte ...
- 在 exist; be living
- 身 body
- 染病 catch [contract] an illness; be infected with a disease
- 病在表 attack the exterior of the body
- 在身边 about; at one's elbow
- 抱病在家 be ill and unable to leave one's chamber
- 病在床上 be sick in bed
- 病在危笃 be ill and failing fast
- 生病在床 in bed
- 他卧病在床 he is ill in bed
- 她卧病在床 she is sick in bed
- 托病在家 plead indisposition and remain at home
- 卧病在床 be sick abed; be confined to (one's) bed by sickness; be ill abed [in bed]; be laid up with illness; be lying ill; stay in bed; take to one's bed
- 卧病在床take be laid up in bed
- 与卧病在床 be in bed with
- 重病在床 be confined to one's bed with a serious illness; (he) is lying mortally sick
- 病在好转之中 on the mending hand
- 病在中旁取之 lateral treatment for middle disease
- 传染病 [医学] infectious [contagious] disease; contagion; zymosis; communicable disease
- 感染病 ifection disease
- 染病;病例 to fall ill
- 染病果 attacked fruit
- 污染病 pollution disease
- 爱就在身边 right next to the right one