订货时付款 c.i.o. cash in order;cash with order; c.i.o.---------------------cash in order; cash with order; c.i.o.---------------------cash in order; cash with order; cwo cash with order; c.w.o.---------------------cash with order; cash in order(c.i.o); cash with order
交货时付款 p.o.d. payment on delivery; paid on delivery; p.o.d. payment on delivery; paid on delivery; pay on delivery
In supplies contracts , payment is normally made upon acceptance of goods though milestone payments related to performance targets may apply for contracts of high value and complexity 若是物料供应合约,通常会在收货时付款;但若是高价和复杂的合约,则可能会根据服务表现目标分阶段付款。
In supplies contracts , payment is normally made upon acceptance of goods though milestone payments related to performance targets may apply for contracts of high value and complexity 若是物料供应合约,通常会在收货时付款;但若是高价和复杂的合约,则可能会根据服务表现目标分阶段付款。