grief at separation and joy in union; joys and sorrows, separations and reunions; sorrow and happiness, separations and reunions; sorrows and joys of human life, separations and encounters; suffer and rejoice, separate and meet again; the sorrows and joys of partings and meetings
悲欢离合之歌 tales and songs from weddings and funerals月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合 life is like the moon; now dark ,now full人有悲欢离合,月由阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 people have sorrow and joy; they part and meet again. the moon dims or shines离合悲欢 life is intermingled with joy and sorrow.; the sorrows and joys of partings and meetings悲欢 joy and sorrow悲欢岁月 the butcher boy; women of substance离合 euler xyz controller; euler xyz rotation controller; leave-joint离合器离合 clutch on off; clutch on-off开关,离合 on-off离合板 clutch plate离合点 clutch point离合杆 ausrueckhebel; blocking lever; clutch yoke; return bar; trip lever离合力 ausrückkraft release load离合轮 castle wheel; clutch pinion离合面 interface离合钮 clutch knob离合脾 clutch brake离合片 clutch disc离合扑 clutch lever离合漆 clutch shaft离合器 clutch; throw-out; ratcheting; clutch coupling◇离合器操纵杆 clutch operating lever;离合器齿轮 clutch gear; 离合器传动片 clutch driving strap离合诗 acrostic离合磁铁,磁铁离合器 clutch magnet圆盘离合器, 板离合器 disc clutch悲呼组合 the tragically hip悲交响第四乐章 mov-adag iolamentoso
I mean it is full of experience-of people's feelings and sorrows . 我的意思是说它充满各种经历--人生的悲欢离合 。 Life is like the moon ; now dark , now full 月有阴晴圆缺,人有悲欢离合 。 Vicissitudes of life about carve out and capital 创业与资本的悲欢离合 Who knows how much love and happiness was on the beds 古床上的尘埃承载了多少儿女情长和悲欢离合 A tragedy to those that feel . - - - horace walpole 而感受者只能够沉浸在这个世界的悲欢离合 之中,无法超脱。 It waxes and wanes . nothing is perfect , not even in the olden days 人有悲欢离合 ,月由阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。 I mean it is full of experience - of people ' s feelings and sorrows 我的意思是说它充满各种经历- -人生的悲欢离合 。 The novel has scenes full of love and loss , it is so sentimental 这部小说有多处场景充满爱情的悲欢离合 ,真是感伤啊! Passion for life and not fluctuating down not because fluctuate na course of a round 热情不因悲欢离合 而起伏,劲头不因阴晴圆缺而波动。 Love hurts the most when the person you love have no idea with you ! 雨,是一生的过错。雨,是悲欢离合 。即使没有水晶鞋,你是否愿意和我一起云中漫步?
悲欢离合的法语 :名 péripéties(peines et joies,séparations et réunions)悲欢离合的日语 :〈成〉別れ?めぐり会いなど世の中の喜びや悲しみ.人生の常ならぬ移り変わり.変転浮沈. 月有阴晴圆缺yuánquē,人有悲欢离合/月に曇晴?盈欠[いんけつ]あり,人に悲喜?離合あり.悲欢离合的韩语 :【성어】 슬픔과 기쁨, 이별과 만남; 슬픔, 기쁨, 이별, 만남 등 세상의 각종 일.悲欢离合的俄语 :pinyin:bēihuānlíhé печаль и радость, разлука и встреча; горечь разлуки и радость свидания; превратности судьбы悲欢离合什么意思 :bēi huān lí hé 【解释】泛指生活中经历的各种境遇和由此产生的各种心情。 【出处】宋·苏轼《水调歌头》词:“人有悲欢离合,月有阴睛阳缺,此事古难全。” 【示例】老船工熟悉黄河,知道几十年来这里发生的沧桑变化,~。 【拼音码】bhlh 【用法】联合式;作主语、宾语;形容生活中的悲哀喜悦等情感 【英文】vicissitudes of life ...