恍惚 1.(神志不清; 精神不集中) in a trance; absent-minded 变得精神恍惚 go [fall] into a trance; 这位老人回想着自己过去的生活, 神情恍惚。 the old man was in a trance, thinking of his past life.2.(不真切; 不清楚) dimly; faintly; seemingly 恍惚记得 faintly remember
恍惚的 absent minded; bemazed; dreamy; in a trance; transic
神思恍惚 be lost in a reverie; at a loss; be in a disturbed [confused] state of mind; distracted; distraugh; entrancement; grow quite bemused; in a state of mental confusion; one's mind does not function clearly.; suffer from dizzy spells
恍 副词1.(恍然) all of a sudden; suddenly2.(与“如、若 ”等连用: 仿佛) seem; as if 恍如梦境 as if in a dream
I had a kind of dream . 我恍恍惚惚地做了一个梦。
He held his hot face to the rain, and walked on in a trance . 他恍恍惚惚昂着滚烫的脸颊,冒雨走着。
All the greater part of his brain was lulled and stupefied with the long monotory of the affair . 他头脑的大部分给这又冗长又单调的工作弄得昏昏沉沉,恍恍惚惚。
Apparently the expressive sound of human feeling recalled the poor girl from the stupor of fear . 这阵富于感情的声音显然使可怜的女郎从恍恍惚惚的惊恐状态中惊醒。
Dyke went down the stairs to the street and proceeded onward aimlessly looking vacantly at the sidewalk . 戴克走下楼梯,来到街上,漫无目标的向前走去,眼睛恍恍惚惚地望着人行道。
Tess went down the hill to thantridge cross, and inattentively waited to take her seat in the van returning from chaseborough to shaston . 苔丝下了山,走到纯瑞脊十字架,在那儿恍恍惚惚地等候从围场堡回沙氏屯的篷车。
Sarah : are you ok richard ? you look kind of dreamy and spaced out 莎拉:你没事吧,理查德?你看起来好像在做梦,恍恍惚惚的。
Fernand looked at them both with a stupefied air , but did not say a word 弗尔南多带着一种恍恍惚惚的眼神望着他们,什么也没说。
I was not feeling bright that morning . indeed , my powers seemed a bit under a cloud 那天上午我觉得很不爽快。老实说,我那天精神有点恍恍惚惚的。