

  • lapidification
  • lithifaction
  • lithification
  • lithify



  • 例句与用法
  • Some large ore bodies in this environment at selukwe peak mine and elsewhere have been mylonitized almost completely .
  • Incipient shearing of main crop ore shows the development of hairline mylonitized shear zones that rapidly increase up to 2mm in width .
  • Experiment study on clay shale reinforcement at bl2 and bl3 in xin ' anjiang dam
  • All these rocks aforementioned are mainly parametamorphic rocks . milan , kaqiang and alamasi group underwent high - grade metamorphism of amphibolite facies , together with weak migmatism . they share the same geochemistry and total ree and many other chracters
  • The alteration of wall rock is mainly of propylitization , silicification , carbonatization , argillization and beresitization . the characteristics of alteration show the zoning and overlapping on the space . from the inner to outside of the ore vein zoning is : silicification inner core - argillization - beresitization - propylitization
  • The research for metallogenic evolution mechanism in the region indicates that gold ore formation has undergone three stages : gold elementary source bed formation stage from the neo - archean to the paleo - proterozoic and meso - proterozoic , regional metamorphism - migmatization gold reenrichment stage at the late meso - proterozoic , structure - fluid - gold mineralization stage at the yanshan period
  • Xiongcun copper - gold ore deposit is located in gangdese metallogenetic belt with a large scale . the ore body mainly exists in the second lithoid unit ' s tuffs and the third lithoid unit ' s dacite tufa of the cretaceous volcanic stratum , which are not only mother rock but also mineralized body
  • Plastic strain first starts from ambient of the porphyroblast , and then develops to rims of porphyroblast and gradually transfers to the centers of porphyroblasts . the brittle remains in the central parts of porphyroblasts come to be decreased through the plastic deformation development , which is accordance with the banding of intensity in many mylonitization zones on wild occurrences and observation in the fabrics of mylonitization rocks under microscope
  • 推荐英语阅读
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