- 对立 oppose; set sth. against; be ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 统一 unify; unite; integrate
- 对立的 antagonistic; antilogous; antithetical; counter; diametrical; facing; opponent; opposite
- 对立的,对面的 o osing; o osite; opposing; opposite
- 对立的性质 antiproperty
- 对立的一方 opposite party
- 二元对立的 privative
- 可对立的 opposable
- 相对立的 opposite
- 相反的;对立的 opposite a. contrary or entirely different
- 对立统一 [哲学] unity of opposites 对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。 the law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe
- 辩证的统一 dialectical unity
- 法律的统一 unity of law
- 市场的统一 market unity
- 有机的统一 organic unity
- 指挥的统一 unity of command; unity of direction
- 对立的人或物 opposite a person or thing that is completely different to another
- 对立统一规律 the law of the unity of oppositeness
- 差异中的统一 unity in diversity
- 德意志的统一 unification of germany
- 法律的统一性 uniformity of law
- 复杂中的统一 unity in multiplicity
- 心理的统一性 psycho-coherence
- 互相对立的意见 opinions opposite to each other