Setting up annual budget and quarterly forecast , tracking monthly performances , drive cost reductions ( manufacturing support and allocated cost ) 制定年度预算和季度预报,跟踪每月财务状况,推动成本削减
It is appropriate that the observatory has selected to use a regional model for its seasonal forecasts . dr . roads added that he is very happy that the hong kong observatory has adapted ecpc s regional model 路强博士表示,很高兴天文台采纳了ecpc的区域气候模式,他预计越来越多的气候中心会使用这个或类似的模式来制作季度预报。
Displaying a unique combination of energy and software and hardware skills , ms . shum was instrumental in making possible the launching of hko s dynamical 12 - week seasonal forecasts on the internet in march 2006 沈小姐做事富有热忱,凭藉对电脑软件及硬件的知识,主力协助天文台于2006年3月在互联网上成立的动态的十二星期季度预报模式系统。