- 复原 recover from an illness; be ...
- 分布 distribute; spread; scatter; ...
- 原分布 primary distribution
- 复原分类群 restored taxa
- 病原分布 distribution of pathogen
- 酶联抗原分布测定 enzyme-linked antigen distribution assay
- 原分 architomy
- 复原 1.(病后康复) recover from an illness; be restored to health 他身体已经复原了。he's already recovered.2.(恢复原状) restore; rehabilitate 复原后的金缕玉衣充分显示出中国古代劳动人民的精湛工艺。 the restored jade burial suit fully reveals the consummate skill of the labouring people of ancient china.3.reconversion; recovery; reset; renenal; rehabilitation; retrieval; restoration; recuperation; recure; analepsia; analepsis
- 原分体 architomia
- 病原分配 distribution of pathogen
- 单分裂,原分 architomy
- 还原分解 reductive decomposition
- 还原分裂 reduction division
- 还原分析 regression analysis; restoration analysis
- 抗原分析 analysis antigenic; antigen analysis; antigenic analysis
- 平原分区 ganges subzone
- 前胶原分子 procollagen molecule
- 双原分子 diatomic molecule
- 糖原分解 glycogenolysis
- 糖原分解的 glycogenolytic
- 糖原分解酶 glycogenolytic ferment
- 糖原分泌的 glycosecretory
- 原分裂球 protoblast
- 原分歧腕板 primaxil
- 原分生组织 primordial meristem; promeristem; protomeristem