- 反馈 feedback; couple back; retro ...
- 联杆 link rod
- 反馈联结 feedback interconnection
- 联杆 link rod◇联杆机构 link mechanism; 联杆吊架 link hanger; 联杆索具 burtoning boom rig; 联杆销 link pin
- 反馈 [电学] feedback; couple back; retroaction; tickling; back feed; recuperation; back-tracking; back coupling; return coupling 负反馈 negative feedback; 正反馈 positive feedback; 信息反馈给政府有关部门。 the information is fed back to the government department concerned
- 联杆叉 connecting rod jaw; connectingrodjaw
- 联杆器 crosshead
- 联杆式 linkage type
- 联杆体 shank of connecting rod
- 联杆销 link pin
- 主联杆 master link
- 纵联杆 longitudinalstrut
- 传动联杆 drive link
- 调速器联杆 governor link
- 调整联杆 regulating link
- 顶杆联杆销 crown bar link pin
- 副翼联杆 aileron connecting strut
- 轨距联杆 cross tie
- 横联杆螺栓 track rod bolt; track-rod bolt
- 横联杆球塞 track rod ball plug; track-rod ball plug
- 滑阀联杆 sleeve actuator; slide valve link
- 换向联杆 reversing link
- 桨叶联杆 blade link
- 抗风联杆 wind brace; wind tie
- 联杆吊货法 burton system; burton tackle; shifting guy system; two derrick boom cargo handling; union purchase system; union system; yard and stay system