公共 public; common; communal 强化公共治安 increase public security; 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全。 such offences as his profoundly endanger public security.; 公共财产 public property; 公共财政 public finance; 公共餐室 tearoom; 公共厕所 public lavatory; [美国] comfort station; public conveniences; public latrine; 公共场所 public places; 公共电话 pay telephone; public telephone; 公共电话亭 public phone booth; 公共福利 public welfare; 公共福利事业 public welfare services; 公共工程 public work; 公共积累 public accumulation; accumulated public funds; common accumulation; accumulation fund; 公共建筑[工程] public works; 公共开支 public expense; 公共墓地 ossuary; 公共设施 plant; 公共食堂 canteen; mess; 公共事务 public affairs; 公共事业 pubilc services and facilities; public utilities; 公共水域 public waters; 公共通道 street; 公共图书馆 public library; 公共语言 [自动化] common language; 公共浴室 public bath room; therm; 公共运输 public transport; 公共责任保险 public liability insurance; 公共住房 public housing
港水域 basin for shi ing; basin for shipping; basinforshi ing
Article 6 except as otherwise approved and a fishing permit issued by the competent authority , no one shall operate fishery in public waters or non - public waters adjacent thereto 第6条(经营渔业应经核准)凡欲在公共水域及与公共水域相连之非公共水域经营渔业者,应经主管机关核准并取得渔业证照后,始得为之。
Article 17 the competent authority shall , in making an overall planning with respect to fishery rights to fish in public waters , take into consideration the fish production resources and refer to the minerals prospecting , navigation , irrigation , environmental protection and other public interests and shall prepare and publish relevant plans from year to year as well as accept applications for fishery rights 第17条(公共水域之渔业权渔业之整体规划等)主管机关应依据渔业生产资源,参考矿产探采、航行、水利、环境保护及其他公共利益,对公共水域之渔业权渔业作整体规划,并拟订计画,每年定期公告,接受申请。