法制 legality; legal institutions; legal system 加强法制 strengthen the legal system; 法制观念 legal knowledge [sense]; 法制化 institutionalize; 法制计量学 legal metrology; 法制建设 legal system building; 法制教育 legal education; education in legality [the law]; 法制史 legal history; history of law; 法制委员会 commission for legal affairs; 法制文学 literature of law; 法制宣传月 the law publicity month; the legal system publicity month; 法制原则 principle of legality; 法制尊严 dignity of the legal system
不健全 unsound; imperfect; defective; not well organized 机构不健全 organizationally imperfect; 精神不健全 unsound in mind; mentally defective; 心脏不健全 have an unsound heart; 不健全人格 [心理学] inadequate personality
So , the construction of good faith ' s ethic needs strengthening through the reform of old system , the enhancing of publicity , the perfection of legal system and the building of credit system 当前,需要从改革旧体制、加强舆论宣传、健全法制、构建健全的信用体系等方面加强诚信伦理的建设。
( 2 ) we should strengthen education and legal system , and should manage enforcing law strictly in order to smashing their idea of trusting to luck as possible as we can , so they can recognize meshes of the law ( 2 )要加强教育,健全法制,严格管理、执法,最大可能地打破潜在犯罪人的侥幸心理、铤而走险心理。
We should understand " protect " under age people correctly , practise them in all areas , found perfect law system and protection system , and help them keep their minds balance , improve self - control 要准确理解“保护”未成年人,全方位锻炼未成年人,建立健全法制,构建保护机制,培育心理健康,加强挫折教育,提高自控能力。
We will further improve the investment environment by providing the local governments with greater decision - making power to examine and approve projects involving foreign investment , completing related laws and regulations , and improving management and efficiency 我们要进一步改善投资环境,放宽利用外资建设项目的审批权,健全法制,改善管理,提高办事效率
Since the tenth " five - year - plan " , the state and regions established and strengthened the legalized administrative system , carried out the license system of laboratory animal . and consequently , further boosted the development of construction of bhfla “十五”以来,国家和各地通过建立健全法制化管理体系、全面贯彻实验动物许可证制度等举措,进一步提高了其建设速度和质量。
We will continue to safeguard the dignity of the constitution and other laws , further improve the legal system , strengthen supervision of government organs and leading officials at all levels to ensure that all work of the country is carried out according to law 我们将继续维护我国宪法和法律的尊严,进一步健全法制,加强对政府机关依法行政和各级领导干部的监督,保证国家各项工作依法进行。
From the perspective of management and sociology , this paper analyzed the behavior characters and major features of the tricks in medical insurance , at the same time , tabled five proposals about cooperative promotion for “ three reforms ” , improving law construction , building social credit , regulating medical insurance management and intensifying propaganda and education 本文从管理层面和社会学角度,对医保欺诈的行为特征、主要特点进行了研究,同时从“三改”并举联动推进、健全法制建设、构建社会诚信、规范医保管理和加强宣传教育等五个方面提出对策建议。
Last , through the integration of theory with practice and considering the realities of human resources development in fujian , the author had a definite object in view to state how to set up ideas , develop the province through science and education , improve and perfect the market , lay emphasis on cultivation , educate the teams , perfect mechanism , sound legality , and so on 最后,理论联系实际,紧密结合福建人力资源开发现实,有的放矢地从树立观念、科教兴省、完善市场、注重培养、培育队伍、完善机制、健全法制等方面进行阐述,有针对性地提出搞好人力资源开发,优化福建投资环境的对策,进一步增强福建发展后劲,提高区域竞争力。
References to developed countries ’ agricultural informatization experiences , the essay last reaches the result , and proposed the following policies : improve the agricultural informatization consciousness ; reinforce the research on talent training ; consolidate government ’ s macro modulation ; accelerate the development of information technology and its industrialization ; e - government affairs to push 通过借鉴国外发达国家农业信息化成功经验,本文最后得出结论,湖北省实现农业信息化的对策可归纳为:政府引导,全民动员;资金投入,加强基建;政策到位,服务于民;全局统筹,示范带头;素质培养,人才引进;健全法制,保护利益;兄弟邻邦,取长补短。