

音标:[ èrgē ]   发音:
  • kuiwub



  • 例句与用法
  • More troublesome , no matter how change , want you 2 elder brother agree
  • Shin : sec . bro , ling , there is also little firecracker powder in these things , too . most of it is usual sand . … it ' s strange
  • Her second oldest brother committed suicide . her third oldest brother was murdered . that left only her and her mom
  • Ling : sec . bro . there was only huang wu - kong and little gunpowder east . they are totally bluffing there ! the major target could be here
  • Lockhart , and was killed at the battle near dunkirk against the spaniards : what became of my second brother i never knew any more than father or mother did know what was become of me
  • Our hometown lies on a lower elevation than that of the neighboring villages , near the area where the chuoshui river flows into the sea . if the embankments in the area collapsed and the sea level rose , even the second floor would not be safe enough . we repeatedly urged our mother to prepare enough food , asked our brother to prepare a rubber boat , and warned him to stay away from the local fields and duck sheds
  • We sister of a few brother is joint - stock built a building to parents , building what write on card definitely in those days is the name of 2 elder brother , he eats his head off to gamble again now , once threaten should sell a house , we are very afraid , house property card has not done now , we want the name of instead parents , can you use the name of two people
  • 其他语种释义
  • 二哥的日语:にばんめのあに 二番 目の兄
  • 二哥的韩语:[명사] (1)둘째 형[오빠]. (2)동생에 대한 친밀감에서 말하는 호칭.
  • 二哥的俄语:pinyin:èrgē второй из старших братьев
  • 二哥什么意思:  1.  兄弟间称次男为二哥。    ▶ 宋 马永卿 《元城语录》卷中: “既平 孟蜀 , 而 两浙 钱王 入朝。 群臣自 赵普 以下争欲留之, 圣意不允。 一日, 赵 相拉 晋王 于后殿, 奏事毕, 晋王 从容言 钱王 事。    ▶ 太祖 曰: ‘二哥, 你也出这言语!’”按 晋王 , 太祖 之弟 光义 。 &...
  • 推荐英语阅读
二哥的英文翻译,二哥英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译二哥,二哥的英文意思,二哥的英文二哥 meaning in English二哥的英文二哥怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
