

  • 可课税性
  • 可征税性
  • 课税能力



  • 例句与用法
  • Part four : economic analysis of taxability on e - commerce
  • Retailers still stewed about the taxability of a number of items
  • The issues considered include the taxability of profits on sale of landed properties and the issue of notices for penal assessment
  • In a case concerning the taxability of termination payments received by an employee , an appeal by the commissioner against the decision of the board was partially allowed by the court
  • On the other side it must have theoretical basis . the part discusses the possibility of taxing e - commerce on the basis of economic essence from taxability theory and discusses necessity of taxing
  • During the year , the court of first instance ruled on 3 appeal cases . the issues considered included the taxability of profits on the sale of certain properties ; the board s jurisdiction to substitute its own valuation on a property , rather than use that of the appellant or the commissioner ; and whether certain receipt was capital in nature
  • Decisions in favour of the commissioner were given by the court in respect of appeals concerning the taxability of profits from the sale of property , the source of trading profits , a refusal of the board to grant an extension of time to allow a taxpayer to appeal against a determination of the commissioner , and the taxability of royalties . appeals to the court of appeal have been lodged in respect of the latter two decisions
  • In order to create a fair , reasonable and legal environment to bring traditional tax theories into the e - commerce , the writer further puts forward some suggestion to strengthen the taxability of e - commerce transactions . for the purpose of fair competition , he expects all forms of commerce shall under the same roof of taxation in the future
  • After researching the present achievements on tax law on e - commerce , the article tries to discuss the possibility of taxing e - commerce through analyzing the economic essence of the tax and the theory of economic taxability on the basis of the technical characters of e - commerce . the article further demonstrates the necessity of taxing e - comnierce through studying the principles of tax equity and tax neutrality
  • During 2003 - 04 , the court of first instance ruled on three appeal cases . the issues considered by the court included the taxability of profits from the sale of properties ; the deductibility of amounts claimed by a practising accountant as office facilities charges and entertainment and equipment rental expenses ; and whether the provisions of the inland revenue ordinance concerning personal assessment in the case of a married couple are inconsistent with the basic law
  • 英文解释
  • liability to taxation

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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