

  • 尚卡尔



  • 例句与用法
  • Shankar itchapurapu holds a master s degree in computer applications
    Shankar itchapurapu拥有计算机应用方面的硕士学位。
  • Mr aziz ' s statement comes before his meeting with mani shankar aiyar , india ' s petroleum minister , expected to take place tomorrow
  • Also on this year ' s list are indian spiritual leader sri sri ravi shankar , israeli nuclear whistleblower mordechai vanunu and irish rock star bono
  • In part 2 , authors lakshmi shankar and simon burns from the ibm hursley labs tackle some exceptions that , while fairly simple , often puzzle novice and experienced java developers alike
    在第2部分中,来自ibm hursley实验室的作者lakshmi shankar和simon burns处理的一些异常,虽然相当简单,但是却常常困扰著新旧java开发人员。
  • In this article java developers g . v . b . subrahmanyam and shankar itchapurapu look at both serialization and jdbc , and through discussion and example show you why jdbc is your best bet
    在本文中, java开发人员g . v . b . subrahmanyam和shankar itchapurapu对序列化和jdbc都进行了介绍,并通过讨论和实例来向您展示了jdbc是您的最佳选择的原因。
  • In this four - part article series , lakshmi shankar and simon burns discuss the various class loading problems that you may encounter in your java development and illustrate why they occur and how to resolve them
    在这份由四部分组成的系列中, lakshmi shankar和simon burns讨论了在java开发中可能遇到的各种类载入问题,解释了它们为什么会发生和如何解决它们。
  • In part 3 , authors lakshmi shankar and simon burns from the ibm hursley labs build on the first two parts of the series and detail different kinds of class loading problems , including those related to classpaths , class visibility , and garbage collection
    在第3部分中,来自ibm hursley实验室的作者lakshmi shankar和simon burns在本系列前两部分的基础之上,详细介绍了不同种类的类别载入问题,包括与类别路径类别可视性和垃圾收集有关的问题。
  • 百科解释
Shankar is a Sanskrit word meaning "Beneficent" or "Giver of Bliss". It generally refers to Lord Shiva.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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