We knew of at least eighty instances in which an american serviceman had been captured alive and had subsequently disappeared . 我们已知至少有80个美国军人被生俘后不知去向。
Veterinarians and servicemen can and should help dispel this apprehensions by maintaining high ethical standards . 兽医师和管理人员能够并且也应当通过保持高度的道德标准帮助驱逐这种恐惧。
The businessman, enraged at being discovered, attacked the company serviceman with a pipe wrench and beat him badly . 这个商人由于被人发觉而恼羞成怒,拿起一把管道扳子把公司维修工人痛揍了一顿。
On november 29, 1973, i asked mrs. lionaes and the nobel committee to donate the entire proceeds to a scholarship fund for children of american servicemen killed or missing in action in indochina . 1973年12月29日,我请求利昂尼斯夫人和诺贝尔奖金委员会把这笔奖金全部捐献作为奖学基金,授予在印度支那战争中阵亡或失踪的美国军人的子女。
The security guards are invariably ex - servicemen 这些保安都是清一色的退伍军人
Gradual improvement of social security system for servicemen 完善军人社会保障制度
Seven philippine servicemen also were wounded 也有七名菲律宾武装人员负伤。
Seven philippine servicemen also were wounded ,并向北京政府提出这些问题。
From two u . s . servicemen on patrol in the south pacific 两个在南太平洋上的美国巡逻员