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  • 韦伯



  • 例句与用法
  • Australian ace mark webber has officially announced that he will be joining the williams team next season , leaving jaguar racing after two years
  • In malaysia , rosberg out - qualified webber ( they emerged in third and fourth respectively ) before being forced to retire with engine failure
    在马来西亚,罗斯伯格在排位赛中战胜了韦伯(他们分别排在第三和第四位) ,之后却因为引擎故障退出了比赛。
  • Rumour is that mark webber would like to try out the circuit in a “ normal ” car ? a porsche i was told but is rubens beating him on that
    传闻中马克?韦伯将来到这里来用一辆“普通”的车? ?一辆保时捷来测试这条“赛道” ,难道鲁本斯将要代替他这么做?
  • Both he and heidfeld beat each other six times last season - but the german took two second place finishes , while webber ' s best result was a single third
  • Raikkonen had restarted in seventh place but he was soon tucked in behind massa and alonso as the three leaders began to open up a gap from mark webber in fourth place
  • As far as the twenties of the 20th century , marshall and webber paid close attention to the issue of the industry clusters . therefore it has opened up a new research field
  • Webber ) carried us for a stretch , " saunders said . " we ran a lot of things through him . he made some big baskets and put us in a position to win .
    “韦伯的到来,给了我们很的的帮助” ,桑德斯评价道, “我们通过他贯彻了很多战术。他得了很多关键的分数,为我们的胜利奠定了基础。 ”
  • But 30 - year - old webber , a director of the drivers ' union gpda , suggested that every driver has to cope with traffic on the famous street circuit in monte carlo
  • While he qualified 19th , speed started 17th as williams drivers mark webber and nico rosberg had been demoted 10 places each because of engines changes in their cars
  • All they point to now is a pistons team that is the most consistent in the eastern conference throughout the regular season and have another big name now playing the center position in chris webber
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  • 其他语种释义
  • webberとは意味:{人名} : ウェーバー、ウェッバー、ウェバー、ウエッバー
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