The russians showed off some of the weaponry they hope to sell to the big - spending chinese 俄罗斯展示了一些武器的神威,想要卖给中国这个军费支出大国。
Wondering how the 1st person aspect and ranged weaponry is going to work . crosshair ? auto 对第一人称和远程武器感到疑惑,远程武器是十字丝瞄准还是自动?
47 isn ' t the only one with custom weaponry ; enjoy your old favourites with customised designs 47不再是唯一使用自设武器的人;用你自己的设计享受以前喜欢的东西。
Un weapons inspectors should include non - lethal weapons and satellite weaponry on their checklists 联合国武器核查组应把非致命性武器和卫星军备系统包括在检查表里。
Its weaponry consists of a gunnery station with dual turbolasers , as well as other " secret " armaments 其武器装备包括一个带有双涡轮激光炮的炮台和其他“秘密”武器。
Any number of traditional chinese martial arts were taught , along with weaponry , stick fighting and the like 管束孩子做事,练功的方式就打,罚。不到四天,成就后悔了。
Protagonists driving an installation of artificial intelligence and abundant weaponry and enemies battle of wits 主角驾驶一部加装了人工智能和丰富的武器装备和敌人斗智斗勇。
He will provide artillery support with awesome magical weaponry that will deal huge radius damage at distance 他能使用可怕的魔法武器,在远距离上施展大范围的强力魔法作为支援。
It ' s emphasized that the apsse is indispensable in between development of the high tech weaponry 强调了在发展高技术武器研制过程中机载光电跟踪测量系统是不可缺少的关键测量设备。
Human soldiers desert is difficult to survive , so a country on armor and weaponry research and development of the airport code in the desert 沙漠里人类战士很难生存,于是某国就研发了机甲兵守驻沙漠。