
time bomb中文是什么意思

  • 1.定时炸弹。



  • 例句与用法
  • Charlie and i are of one mind in how we feel aboutderivatives and the trading activities that gowith them : we view them as time bombs , both forthe parties that deal in them and the economicsystem
  • " britain is facing an ageing time bomb with major challenges presented by retirement , the desire to live longer and the increasing burden of caring for older people , " said andrew vallance - owen , bupa ' s medical director
    英国有远见者联合会医学主管欧文表示: “由于大多数人面临退休、想长寿和养老负担的加剧,英国正面临着一颗‘老龄’定时炸弹。 ”
  • Once the time bomb is activated , the researchers seek to escape in a rescue submarine . and after a prolonged struggle between their positive and negative thoughts , they finally escape from danger and make it to the surface
  • " britain is facing an ageing time bomb with major challenges presented by retirement , the desire to live longer and the increasing burden of caring for older people , " said andrew vallance - owen , bupa ' s medical director
    Bupa的主任医师安德鲁?瓦伦斯欧文说: " '老龄化'就像一颗定时炸弹,英国正面临着退休、渴望长寿以及不断加剧的养老负担带来的各种挑战。
  • " britain is facing an ageing time bomb with major challenges presented by retirement , the desire to live longer and the increasing burden of caring for older people , " said andrew vallance - owen , bupa s medical director
    Bupa的主任医师安德鲁瓦伦斯欧文说: " ‘老龄化‘就像一颗定时炸弹,英国正面临着退休渴望长寿以及不断加剧的养老负担带来的各种挑战。
  • Thursday ' s statistics will do little to reassure the italian government which is worried by a demographic time bomb , with italians rapidly aging and many couples deciding to only have one child or none at all
  • The rapid development of technology , the pc should safeguard their status , withstand all from the outside to a challenge posed operations guide : use the left mouse button to attack , tips , continuous attack needs time bomb
    科技发展一日千里, pc机也要维护自己的地位,顶住所有来自外界给自己的冲击吧操作指南:使用鼠标左键进行攻击,小提示,连续的攻击后需要上弹时间
  • Another inconsistent plothole is that if sam clearly knows that yan is hau s brother and that yan is aware of his betrayal against his brother , considering sam s wit and cunning character , why would he want to assign such a time bomb as his right - hand man
  • Introduction : the rapid development of technology , the pc should safeguard their status , withstand all from the outside to a challenge posed operations guide : use the left mouse button to attack , tips , continuous attack needs time bomb
    攻略:科技发展一日千里, pc机也要维护自己的地位,顶住所有来自外界给自己的冲击吧操作指南:使用鼠标左键进行攻击,小提示,连续的攻击后需要上弹时间
  • In developed countries , longer life expectancy but also better diagnostic abilities explain this increase , whereas in developing and middle - income countries , the time bomb of tobacco - related and viral - induced cancer is starting to show its toll
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
    同义词:infernal machine,

  • a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed; "India is a demographic time bomb"; "the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off"
    同义词:ticking bomb,

  • 百科解释
A time bomb (or timebomb, time-bomb) is a bomb whose detonation is triggered by a timer. The use (or attempted use) of time bombs has been for various purposes ranging from insurance fraud to warfare to assassination; however, the most common use has been for politically motivated terrorism.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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