
stack up中文是什么意思

  • 加起来
  • 检查门的情况是否上锁了
  • 支上



  • 例句与用法
  • The lin tien wooden barrel shop has all kinds of wooden containers and tubs - flower holders , foot - soaking basins , rice barrels , and more - stacked up all over the premises
  • University administrators deeply dislike the survey . many reject the idea that schools can be stacked up against one another in any meaningful way
  • I ll also show how each tool stacks up in terms of documentation and library support , which are important factors in selecting a new technology implementation
  • I ve created two tests to answer this question and give you a better feel for how synth stacks up against the other look and feels in terms of performance
  • Lacerates the enemy target , making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat . this effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target
  • Digg stack shows diggs occurring in real time on up to 100 stories at once . diggers fall from above and stack up on popular stories . brightly colored stories have more diggs
  • See pictures of what the basket , it is true that this is the chickens our starting point , we should use this as a foundation , we let one chick to stack up
  • If they were lined up , they would have stretched 2 , 376 , 000 ft . long , or stacked up to a height of 3 , 432 , 000 ft . this was about 1 , 913 times the height of the victoria peak
  • In this first of a three - part series , we discuss testing we performed to determine how the various domino 7 platforms stack up against the previous release of domino
    在本文中,我们将讨论为各种domino 7平台与以前的notes / domino发行版本进行性能比较而执行的测试。
  • Everytime rigwarl casts a spell , he works himself into a fury . movement and attack speeds increase on repeated spell casts . lasts 10 seconds . stacks up to 4 times
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5
  • 英文解释
  • arrange into piles or stacks; "She piled up her books in my living room"
    同义词:pile up, heap up,

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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