stack n. 1.(麦杆等的)堆,垛;干草堆。 2.积材,层积,堆积;〔英国〕一堆〔木材等的计量单位,=108立方英尺〕。 3.〔常 pl.〕(图书馆的)许多书架,书库 (= stack room)。 4.【无线电】选式存储器。 5.枪架。 6.烟囱;一排[一群]烟囱,车船的烟突。 7.【机械工程】管组。 8. 〔英国〕(突出海面的)浪蚀岩柱,海中孤峰。 9.(赌博时的)一堆筹码。 10.〔口语〕许多,大量。 a precariously balanced stack of books 眼看就要倒下来的一堆书。 a stack of postcards [old newspapers, shoeboxes] 一大堆明信片[旧报纸、鞋盒]。 a stack of rice straw 稻草垛。 a considerable stack of evidence 大量的证明材料。 have stacks of work to do 有许多工作要做。 stack of arms 枪架。 vt. 1.堆叠,堆垛,堆积,堆起。 2.【航空】指令飞机作分层盘旋飞行等待依次着陆。 3.【军事】架(枪)。 4.秘密地预先安排好,内定。 5.〔美俚〕把房间弄得乱七八糟。 6.【桥牌】洗牌作弊。 S- arms! 【军事】架枪! be nicely stacked up 体态丰满匀称的〔指妇女〕。 vi. 成堆,堆起来。 blow one's stack 〔俚语〕大发脾气 (When he came in and saw the mess he blew his stack. 他一进屋里看见那个混乱情况就大发一顿脾气)。 have the cards stacked against sb. 把某人的处境弄得极端不利。 stack the pins 〔美,运〕准备下一次比赛。 stack up 1. 总起来,加起来 (He is all abroad as to how things stack up today. 他对当前总的形势毫无所知)。2.(飞机)分层盘旋飞行。3.与某人相称[比较] (to); 与…较量[争输赢] (with, against) (She doesn't stack up to you. 她不如你)。4.牵强附会,表面似乎合理 (Your story just doesn't stack up. 你讲的简直是胡说八道)。 stack up the velvet 〔美,剧〕赚到钱,营业情况好。 n. -er 1.堆垛者。 2. 可升降摄像机台。
The lin tien wooden barrel shop has all kinds of wooden containers and tubs - flower holders , foot - soaking basins , rice barrels , and more - stacked up all over the premises 林田桶店里各式桶子林立,舀水桶花桶脚桶饭桶等一应俱全
University administrators deeply dislike the survey . many reject the idea that schools can be stacked up against one another in any meaningful way 大学管理者们极其厌恶这种调查。他们中的许多人反对通过任何途径将一所学校排在另一所之上。
I ll also show how each tool stacks up in terms of documentation and library support , which are important factors in selecting a new technology implementation 本文还会介绍每种工具的文档和库支持情况,这两者是选择新技术实现时的重要因素。
I ve created two tests to answer this question and give you a better feel for how synth stacks up against the other look and feels in terms of performance 为了回答这个问题,我创建了两个测试,并让您更深切地体会synth在性能方面与其他外观的比较。
Lacerates the enemy target , making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat . this effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target 割裂敌人,使他们流血在15秒内遭受155点伤害并产生非常高的仇恨。此效果可以最高叠加5次。
Digg stack shows diggs occurring in real time on up to 100 stories at once . diggers fall from above and stack up on popular stories . brightly colored stories have more diggs 从右到左是时间先后,堆越高越亮的代表越受欢迎的主题,相对应的下方是文章的标题
See pictures of what the basket , it is true that this is the chickens our starting point , we should use this as a foundation , we let one chick to stack up 看到画面中的篮子了么,没错,这就是鸡仔们的起点,我们要以这个为基础,让小鸡们一个个地往上叠加。
If they were lined up , they would have stretched 2 , 376 , 000 ft . long , or stacked up to a height of 3 , 432 , 000 ft . this was about 1 , 913 times the height of the victoria peak 粗略估计,由4加仑装的火水罐改装的水桶,在1963年全港有300万个,排列起来长达237
In this first of a three - part series , we discuss testing we performed to determine how the various domino 7 platforms stack up against the previous release of domino 在本文中,我们将讨论为各种domino 7平台与以前的notes / domino发行版本进行性能比较而执行的测试。
Everytime rigwarl casts a spell , he works himself into a fury . movement and attack speeds increase on repeated spell casts . lasts 10 seconds . stacks up to 4 times 刚背兽在使用技能的时候会进入狂暴的状态,大幅提升攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒,效果最多可以叠加4次。