Negotiations were treated less as a means of reconciling our ideals with our interests than as a trap to entangle us in the endless quarrels of a morally questionable world . 谈判不被当作是调和我们的理想和我们的利益的方法,而被看作是把我们拖进一个道德成问题的世界上的无休止的争吵的陷井中去。
The reconciled reptiles rest on a fragile tile 和解的爬行动物歇在易碎的瓷砖上
The estranged couple reconciled after a year 翻脸的那对夫妻一年以后又和好了
Renounce divisive speech, and reconcile disputes instead 不挑拨离间,调解争端。
C2 : then he reconciles it with his own records 收到后,他再与他本人的记录核对。
Please reconcile a checkbook with a bank statement 请按银行结账单核对支票薄。
After reconciling each error, clear the errors with the 在协调每个错误之后,用
Food choices appear to reconcile the two 而食品选择似乎能将两个方面统一起来。
Henry was sincere about reconciling with his brother 亨利真心愿意与兄弟言归于好。
They will never reconcile themselves to their defeat 他们决不会甘心于自己的失败。